An ongoing project filled with familiar figures from the video game and television entertainment industry.
Sprite Bytes
In video game diction, sprites are commonly referred to as a two-dimensional bitmap study of a person, place, or thing. Bytes are more technical in that they are units that make up the memory size of a piece of hardware. By combining the two terms, the result is tiny pieces of nostalgia in pixel art format. “Sprite bytes” are made using a 50 x 50 pixel grid. Details that capture the figure’s familiarity need to be considered carefully when working at such a small scale.
Trying my hand on designing merchandise, several designs for t-shirts, hoodies, pins, and hats were made. On some initial print tests, it was found that the figures looked best at a miniature scale. To compensate and advertise the product better, a logo was made using letterforms constructed from the same grid for the Sprite Bytes.
While these designs were experimental at first, some people reached out to me to actually ask how they could buy some merchandise. The designs were already made so I reached out to apparel companies and saw what changes needed to be made to make this viable for production. Purchase your Sprite Bytes merchandise here.